Proposed web site

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire at
Fri Feb 18 21:53:05 UTC 2005

Tim Rowledge a écrit :
> "Bruce O'Neel" <edoneel at> wrote:
>>One of the long standing complaints about squeak has been the 
>> website has gotten out of date. 
>>One proposal is at
> Well, it looks reasonably well layed out on Safari but on both my main
> browsers (yes, on RISC OS of course) it looks _terrible_. Maybe people
> don't care about that but it would be nice to have the page be in simple
> enough html to work well on any browser. I wish I were expert enough to
> make specific recommendations.  It _is_ possible to make page layouts
> like this which will work in older browsers.

I don't know the actual state of RiscOS browsers (I once was a user and 
developper on RiscOS, still have some) but the problem is that antic 
browser use a layout based on table, which is sort of evil as it has 
been told to me. The proposed layout seems to be based on CSS layer, 
which is the today standard. Nevertheless, I was successfull browsing 
the page with the text browser 'links', which is cool.
I hope no one will ask for the new web site to be scamper friendly ;-)

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