memory and VM issues

Alan Grimes alangrimes at
Fri Jul 15 14:55:43 UTC 2005

>Are you aware that the source to squeak is mostly in the squeak image
>itself (or perhaps some add-on packages these days?)?  Your reference
>to Kdevelop suggests you are looking at the output C files; they were
>never intended for human consumption.  While I haven't looked at the
>code for the VM in great depth, I did see some fairly extensive
>comments in parts of it (e.g., the class comment in ObjectMemory).

That's actually part of the problem.

While it is good that Squeak can generate its own sources, its not
something that most IDEs can take account of. -- suggesting the need for
a standard for external IDE integration that will tell the external IDE
-- "This section of the code should be treated as part of the project
but should not be directly modified."

The code itself is actually divided into three distinct categories.
These are:




I've only looked at the  foo = unix  sources, but I expect that the
other ./platforms/bar  code (where bar != Cross )  code sets have their
own radically different build systems reflecting the OS they were
developed on.

While this is a fairly nice layout from a organizational standpoint,
there is no way to communicate the "zen" of this layout to an IDE so
that it can be maintained automagicly and placed under a fairly
user-friendly GUI...  -- suggesting the need for a  multiplatform standard.

I've found these guis to be extremely productive in that they can find
function implementations and global variables with extreme speed
allowing me to quickly identify and remove crufty code.

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