Si podes traduci estas paginas y agregalas al Swiki

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at
Sun Sep 11 09:04:34 UTC 2005
A esto agregale mis recetas, siempre que sean distintas
Si falta una clase/metodo en imagen (y no puede importarse)
FileStream fileIn: ''.

Como copiar lo que se haya dibujado en la pantalla y convertirlo en un Morph
(para no perderlo)

m _ (Form fromDisplay: Display boundingBox ) asMorph.
m openInWorld.

Como generar numeros aleatorios sin repeticiÛn
"Algoritmo mejorado del G3 "
| ordendePiezas cantPiezas randomNumber |
cantPiezas _ 124.
Transcript open.
    ordendePiezas _ OrderedCollection new.
[ordendePiezas size < cantPiezas]
        whileTrue: [(ordendePiezas includes: (randomNumber _ cantPiezas
                ifFalse: [ordendePiezas add: randomNumber]].
ordendePiezas do: [ :i| Transcript show: (ordendePiezas at: i); cr.].

ActiveWorld removeAllMorphs. para limpiar el escritorio

Crear botones a partir de archivos de imagen
f _ Form fromFileNamed: 'Macintosh
HD:Users:edgar:Public:SqueakDevelop:SqueakChemM.jpg'. "Elejir el path del
boton deseado con el FileList"
esteBoton _ IconicButton new. "Creamos una instancia de IconicButton "
esteBoton initialize. "La inicializamos "
esteBoton labelGraphic: f. "Hacemos que utilice nuestro grafico "
esteBoton openInWorld.

Morphs que esten sobre morphs de una clase especial
    | l |
    l _ ActiveWorld submorphs
                select: [:each | each class == TrackMorph]
                thenCollect: [:m | (self bounds intersects: m bounds)
                        ifTrue: [m]].
    l _ l
                reject: [:any | any
                        == nil ].

Como cargar un morph de un archivo y abrirlo en el mundo
archivo _ FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'PruebaArbol.morph'.
miMorph _ archivo fileInObjectAndCode.
miMorph openInWorld.

Si es un objeto exteno
|  inputStream anObject |
inputStream _ FileStream oldFileNamed: 'ListaClases.obj'.
    anObject _ inputStream fileInObjectAndCode.
    inputStream close.
(Inspector openAsMorphOn: anObject) openInHand

saveOnFile graba el objeto

Atajo para que nos quede el directorio Squeaklets , si existe, como opcion
al botÛn FIND del navegador de proyectos

| repository  |
repository _ FileDirectory default pathName ,FileDirectory
slash,'Squeaklets' .
 (FileDirectory default directoryExists: repository) ifTrue:
[ServerDirectory addLocalProjectDirectory: (FileDirectory on: repository) ]
ifFalse:[PopUpMenu inform: 'No hay directorio Squaklets ']

Mapeo botones
For most 3-button mice, the mapping is:

        left-mouse              -> "red"  (a.k.a. primary)
        middle-mouse            -> "yellow"  (a.k.a. secondary)
        right-mouse             -> "blue"  (a.k.a. meta or tertiary)

Most Win32 machines have only 2-button mice. On them, the mapping is:

        left-mouse              -> "red"  (primary)
        right-mouse             -> "yellow"  (secondary)
        alt-left-mouse          -> "blue"  (meta)

However, if you do have a 3-button mouse on Win32, you might want to set the
"use 3 button mapping" to get the default reading from above. To do this,
right-click on the Windows titlebar of the Squeak application (or press F2),
and select the "VM Preferences->Use 3 button mouse mapping" menu item.

Finally, Macs only have one mouse button. The mapping on Macs is:

        mouse                   -> "red"  (primary)
        option-mouse            -> "yellow"  (secondary)
        cmd-mouse               -> "blue"  (meta)

Ejemplo de case
escribircaso: linea
| letra |
1 to: linea size do:
letra _ (linea at: i) asLowercase.
letra caseOf: {
[$a ] -> [self A].[$b ] -> [self B].
[$c ] -> [self C].
[$1] -> [self uno].
[$2] -> [self dos].
[$3] -> [self tres].
}otherwise: [Transcript open.
Transcript show: 'Ese simbolo no lo se dibujar'].

a tool can be registered to appear in a flap

for an example:
-select the next two lines and do it
Flaps registerQuad: #(FileList2 openMorphicViewInWorld    'Enhanced File
'A nicer File List.')
    forFlapNamed: 'Tools'.
Flaps replaceToolsFlap

-if you don''t like the FileList in the tools flap, remove it with the next
two lines:
Flaps unregisterQuadsWithReceiver: FileList fromFlapNamed:'Tools'.
Flaps replaceToolsFlap

Note: after registering or unregistering, the flap need to be
manually recreated see Flaps class>>replace*Flap methods
ActiveWorld restoreMorphicDisplay

Flaps unregisterQuadsWithReceiver: SelectorBrowser fromFlapNamed:'Tools'.
Flaps replaceToolsFlap.
Flaps unregisterQuadsWithReceiver: ChangeSorter fromFlapNamed:'Tools'.
Flaps replaceToolsFlap.
Flaps unregisterQuadsWithReceiver: FileList fromFlapNamed:'Tools'.
Flaps replaceToolsFlap.

Flaps registerQuad: #(FileList2 openMorphicViewInWorld    'Enhanced File
'A nicer File List.')
    forFlapNamed: 'Tools'.
Flaps replaceToolsFlap.

Using the ProportionalLayout is probably the easiest way.

For instance, try this in a Workspace:

field _ RectangleMorph new extent: 300 at 300; openInWorld.
field layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.
    1 to: 3 do: [ :row |
        1 to: 3 do: [ :col |
            field addMorph: (RectangleMorph new color: Color red)
                fullFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (((row - 1)/3.0 @ ((col -
1)/3.0)) extent: 0.333 at 0.333))
Comandos del menu
TheWorldMenu registeredOpenCommands. #(#('Balloon3D Tutorial'
#(B3DTutorialPresenter #openTutorial)) #('DVS Package Panel' #(PackagePanel
#open)) #('email reader' #(Celeste #open) '"Celeste", an e-mail client')
#('IRC chat' #(IRCConnection #openConnectionView) 'Internet Relay Chat')
#('Kom Package Panel' #(KomPackagePanel #open)) #('Monticello Browser'
#(MCWorkingCopyBrowser #open)) #('Package Loader' #(SMLoader #open))
#('StarBrowser' #(StarBrowser #open)) #('Test Runner' #(TestRunner #open))
#('VMMaker' #(VMMakerTool #openInWorld) 'The VM making tool') #('web
browser' #(Scamper #openAsMorph) '"Scamper", a web browser') #('Wonderland
3D' #(Wonderland #new)))

Seleccion de valores en diccionario
associations _ ((Smalltalk keys select: [:aKey | ((Smalltalk at: aKey)
isKindOf: Class) not]) asSortedArray collect:

Si esta colgado:
1) Abrir un Process Browser.
2) Matar todo lo que se pueda.

Actualizar imagenes distintas sin conectar
En la mas nueva

FileDirectory default directoryNamed: 'updates'.
ChangeSet allInstances select: [:c| (c name startsWithDigit) & (c name >
'5956') ] thenCollect:[ :any| any fileOut ]

En la otra
Utilities applyUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber: 5700 stopIfGap: false

Ver en SqueakLight:
self setToAdhereToEdge: #bottom Para los botones
self setToAdhereToEdge: #bottomRight : Para seleccionar los BookMorphs


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