Stef's departure from the SqueakFoundation board

Daniel Vainsencher danielv at
Sat Aug 19 23:39:35 UTC 2006

Well, Python does it:

BTW, its quite possible that someone might get pissed off no matter how 
you do it, but that's part of life. The question is doing it in a manner 
that only upsets few people, and encourages active people. If we can 
vote in a board, we can certainly award some funds.

Are there actual examples in which the benevolent dictator is formally 
involved in awarding money? I was under the impression that's a 
particular task they keep a distance from...


David T. Lewis wrote:
> It certainly would be nice to see people receive some financial
> recognition, but I really don't know how the board would be able
> to accomplish this without pissing somebody off.  A strong benevolent
> dictator would be required, and we do not have that.  The board was
> wise to steer clear of the issue.
> Dave

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