SqueakSource API?

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Sun Feb 19 17:04:26 UTC 2006

On Sun, Feb 19, 2006 at 12:24:20PM +0100, Philippe Marschall wrote:
> 2006/2/19, Bernhard Pieber <bernhard at pieber.com>:
> > "Philippe Marschall" <philippe.marschall at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > An other intersting option this opens is it allows us to run expensive
> > > jobs like activity analysis on the second cpu.
> > I must admit that I did not understand this. Can you elaborate?
> A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, we had a realtime
> statistics graphic for SqS (number of projects, ...). You can see this
> in the SqS Paper submitted ESUG. As SqS grew to it's current size,
> this caused all kinds of problems one of them was that it is too cpu
> intensive. The code is still there, just commented out.
> SqS now runs on a dual CPU machine but we can use only one CPU,
> because we don't need no stinkin' Java threads. If we can access the
> data from outside the image, we could set up a cron job, that starts a
> script (or image) that fetches the data, computes the graphic, writes
> it to the filesystem and then terminates. We can then serve the
> graphic with apache.

cron job?!? we don't need no stinkin' cron jobs neither ;)

 [[ | pipe backgroundJob ws |
   pipe := OSPipe new.
   backgroundJob :=
     OSProcess thisOSProcess forkHeadlessSqueakAndDoThenQuit:
       [OSProcess accessor nice: 1. "lower priority of background OS process"
       (99 to: 1 by: -1) do: [:e |
         pipe nextPutAll: e asString;
           nextPutAll:' bottle';
           nextPutAll: ((e = 1) ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: ['s']);
           nextPutAll: ' of beer on the wall, ';
           nextPutAll: e asString;
           nextPutAll:' bottle';
           nextPutAll: ((e = 1) ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: ['s']);
           nextPutAll: ' of beer'; cr;
           nextPutAll: 'take one down and pass it around, ';
           nextPutAll: ((e = 1) ifTrue: ['no more'] ifFalse: [e - 1]) asString;
           nextPutAll:' bottle';
           nextPutAll: ((e = 2) ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: ['s']);
           nextPutAll: ' of beer on the wall'; cr].
         pipe close].
   Transcript show: backgroundJob asString, ' started'; cr.
   pipe closeWriter. "don't need writer end, close it before the #upToEnd"
   "pipe writer blocks when pipe full, so we need to loop while reading to end"
   ws := WriteStream on: ''.
   [backgroundJob isComplete] whileFalse:
     [(Delay forMilliseconds: 200) wait.
     pipe upToEnd ifNotNilDo: [:s | ws nextPutAll: s]].
   pipe close.
   Transcript show: backgroundJob asString,
     ' completed, display results in 2 seconds'; cr.
   (Delay forSeconds: 2) wait.
   Transcript show: ws contents.
   Transcript cr; show: 'delay 5 seconds before forking next Squeak job'; cr.
   (Delay forSeconds: 5) wait]
     repeat] forkAt: Processor userBackgroundPriority.

It's usually more efficient to do it this way, because you don't need to
start up a new image every time you run the job. It also avoids the files
and cron jobs, which IMHO are even uglier than the aforementioned Java


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