Securing the VM and Image (was: Suggestions for C++ or DLL code)

tim Rowledge tim at
Mon Jul 31 20:34:55 UTC 2006

On 31-Jul-06, at 1:18 PM, Ron Teitelbaum wrote:

> 2) Disable the compiler for accepting or performing new code, but  
> allow it
> for already coded performs.  (I'm sure this is much easier said  
> then done).
If you're using the same terminology that I'm used to, you don't need  
the compiler to execute #perform: type messages. All that does is  
tell the vm to pretend that the relevant message had been sent in the  
usual way. Similarly for blocks.

Hmm, I should probably qualify that with a "unless someone has  
recently massively changed the system in a way that would render them  
a target of the 'Ninjas of Smalltalk Doom'".

tim Rowledge; tim at;
Strange OpCodes: SFA: Seek Financial Assistance

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