The original Squeak release is available under APSL2.

Alan Kay alan.kay at
Fri May 26 16:04:07 UTC 2006

Hi Serge --

(mod) the copyright mess and copyright lawyers... yes, we have been careful 
at Disney and then at HP to make sure that the code is put out free and 
open source according to the Squeak licence and in agreement with these 
companies.  So, in theory, it is. And, also in theory, it should be 
relatively easy to deal with all the subsequent code.



At 04:24 AM 5/26/2006, Serge Stinckwich wrote:
>Alan Kay a écrit :
>>The deal we had with Disney was to release to the community, as free and 
>>open source, all code not having directly to do with "content and/or 
>>product", and we did this continuously with their blessing. The code we 
>>left behind (several products, etc.) belonged to Disney (and we indeed 
>>left it there).
>Hi Alan,
>it means we could also release the last version of Squeak done by 
>SqueakCentral (3.5 ? 3.6 ?) with an APSL2 licence. And if everybody that 
>add some code since this version in the image, agree with the term of this 
>licence, the 3.9 version could also release with the APSL2 licence (or a 
>more simpler one like MIT) ?
>--                                                         oooo
>Dr. Serge Stinckwich                                     OOOOOOOO
>Université de Caen>CNRS UMR 6072>GREYC>MAD               OOESUGOO
>                       oooooo
>Smalltalkers do: [:it | All with: Class, (And love: it)]   \  /
>                                                             ##

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