personalized user menu in 3.9 - OOPS

Jay Hardesty jayh at
Mon Sep 4 04:42:01 UTC 2006

My mistake - disregard the previous message.  I see now that there's
another preference, "generalizedYellowButtonMenu" that controls this
behavior:  If you want a personalized menu, then set this to false.

Sorry for the confusion


On Sep 3, 2006, at 9:35 PM, Jay Hardesty wrote:

> Noticed that in 3.9 (7055) that the personalized user menu
> doesn't appear, when doing a yellow button click on the World,
> regardless of the preferences setting.
> Here's what I did to get it back - don't know if this is the proper  
> approach -
> took a chunk of code from  
> PasteUpMorph>>yellowButtonClickOnDesktopWithEvent:
> and added it to:
> yellowButtonActivity: shiftState
> 	"Find me or my outermost owner that has items to add to a
> 	yellow button menu.
> 	shiftState is true if the shift was pressed.
> 	Otherwise, build a menu that contains the contributions from
> 	myself and my interested submorphs,
> 	and present it to the user."
> 	| menu |
> 	self isWorldMorph
> 		ifFalse: [| outerOwner |
> 			outerOwner _ self outermostOwnerWithYellowButtonMenu.
> 			outerOwner
> 				ifNil: [^ self].
> 			outerOwner == self
> 				ifFalse: [^ outerOwner yellowButtonActivity: shiftState]].
> 	Preferences personalizedWorldMenu
> 		ifTrue: [menu _ MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
> 			Preferences personalizeUserMenu: menu.
> 			menu addLine.
> 			menu
> 				add: 'personalize...' translated
> 				target: Preferences
> 				action: #letUserPersonalizeMenu]
> 		ifFalse: [
> 			menu _ self buildYellowButtonMenu: ActiveHand.
> 			menu
> 				addTitle: self externalName
> 				icon: (self iconOrThumbnailOfSize: (Preferences tinyDisplay  
> ifTrue: [16] ifFalse: [28]))].
> 	menu popUpInWorld: self currentWorld

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