how to become modular (was "Contributors Agreement signature status?")

Craig Latta craig at
Thu Jul 5 21:41:30 UTC 2007

Hi JJ--

     (Is it just me, or do all your messages come through without
newlines, even in the quoted material?)

> Just as an observer from the side...

     What's holding you back?

> ...isn't it the case that Pavel is trying the make the smallest
> possible code base *with current Squeak* while you are making lots of
> modifications to how the environment itself works?

     That's one way to put it, I suppose. However, I suspect there isn't
an easy definition of what "current Squeak" is after you've done
anything to it, unless your goal is to end up exactly where you started.
Do we really want to end up where we started?

> And if that's the case, would they still be cross purposes?  I would
> see it more as "low hanging fruit" (so to speak) vs. "the whole
> shabang", no?

     No, that's not how I see it. There's more involved in the value of
that fruit than the mere fact it hangs low. :)  I think the amount of
duplicated work, for results that aren't as useful, makes it something
not worth doing that way (mostly because we are strapped for time and
other resources). Having a short-term-gain mindset at all times will
cause the total effort to be much harder and take much longer. I'm sorry
if this sounds harsh (it sounds harsh to me, you don't need to convince
me of that :). Despite that, I think it's still best to speak plainly here.



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