[squeak-dev] Time>>eventMillisecondClock and event timestamps

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Fri Sep 11 22:45:35 UTC 2020

I think the key thing is that the answers from the primitive 135 must be aligned with the tick values obtained from primitive 94. 

Of course if prim 94 is properly functional (all elements of the event array are correctly filled in) then prim 135 should never be needed; it was created for those machines that waaaaay back when I added the input events still couldn't provide such data. I'm not entirely sure there actually were any....

The only usage of prim 135 not related directly to events seems to be SmalltalkImage>>#vmStatisticsReportOn:, though there are several methods that looks a bit iffy.

EventSensor>>#createMouseEvent is only used in a couple of places to do with rectangle transforming interactively, and probably ought to be improved.
EventSensor>>#nextEventSynthesized is only used if the EventSensor has no event queue and that is ... a bit complex but probably should never happen since we removed the old InputSensor years and years ago.
EventSensor>>#primGetNextEvent: - since we declare the prim essential maybe we should drop the fake-it code and really insist on the prim being there?
MorphicEvent>>#timeStamp looks like a probably redundant backup?
MouseEvent>>#asMouseMove looks like the new MouseMoveEvent ought to copy the time stamp from the receiver?

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
There are no stupid questions. But, there are a lot of inquisitive idiots.

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