[Squeakfoundation]Collecting tests?

Mike Roberts mike at mjr104.co.uk
Fri Feb 28 17:36:36 CET 2003

On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 05:39:52PM +0100, Andreas Raab wrote:
> Add a place to Squeak where it's _really_ easy to write a single
> test without having to make a class first

I like your thoughts.  How about a 'Test Pit' which is similar to a Workspace but allows you to write simple assertions about what you are testing.  I can imagine how it would work but don't know how to implement it... (except in Python).  Could you bind a subset of the methods of TestCase into the scope of the workspace so you could just write quick statements and then hit a button to do-it all and give you a quick result.  Or maybe you could have a global QuickTest bound in the workspace which provided assert: deny: etc.  Then you could possibly hit a button to generate a proper class for you after asking you for the name.  If the text in the workspace only used the protocol of TestCase then it could just become the body of a test - you could neaten it up/ improve with the browser(s) later.

The only thing I'm not quite sure about is getting the objects in that you want to test if they already exist somewhere.  Maybe you could enable morph-workspace dropping, although I haven't played with that yet so I'm not exactly sure how that works.

Does this sound like what you had in mind?

If this was in the Tools flap then you could grab it out, write a test and then there could be suitable buttons for 'mail to list' etc.  


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