[UI] A couple of noteworthy morphic projects

karl karl.ramberg at comhem.se
Fri Aug 31 15:19:34 UTC 2007

During the summer Jérôme Chauveau 
<http://www.squeaksource.com/@TYePbKFxMifYRsrI/WwBqrnCp?13>, a french 
student have made great progress on a html/css renderer/viewer.
This project is at http://www.squeaksource.com/DomView.html

Here is the project description: "This project consist in building a 
simple web page viewer able to display HTML/CSS contents. For example, a 
such tool will permit to display mails with HTML code and will be 
usefull for previewing pages during Seaside application development. The 
goal is not to build a browser - just a modern HTML/CSS renderer based 
on http://www.squeaksource.com/htmlcssparser"

Another cool project is Skeleton: http://www.languagegame.org:8080/ggame/11

Project description: "Skeleton is a visual scripting environment as an 
extension of Squeak etoy <http://www.squeakland.org> with Connectors 
<http://nedkonz.dhs.org:8080/Ned/8> system to make mathematical and 
physical simulation for non professional computer user. Squeak etoy 
system is a unique attempt to provide effective way of programming for 
children in learning environment. Skeleton makes logical relationships 
among graphical objects in the etoy system with spreadsheets-style 
interface, and users can describe object’s behavior in declarative 

Both these projects bring lots of new and exiting possibilities to Squeak.


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