[Vm-beginners] Adrian's blog; last part

Chris Cunnington smalltalktelevision at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 21:01:05 UTC 2010

Thank you for that great answer. I've printed it out, read it, and I'll 
read it tomorrow. I have to stop for today, as its all starting to 
become keleidoscopic.

I'll make a comparison with /platform/iOS/vm/src/vm/interp.c. It's one 
thing to follow a blog, but I'd say my real education about VM building 
starts with looking at this problem. I imagine I can try substitution of 
file(s) from the other sources.

I filmed the whole thing. Edited it comes in at about six and a half 
minutes. That it ends with a car crash is probably a plus. I'll put it 
up Monday with a link to Adrian's blog.


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