Scroll events

Ned Konz ned at
Thu Mar 17 23:40:24 UTC 2005

On Thursday 17 March 2005 9:02 am, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> Scroll events really should be mouse events (*). This hasn't been too
> much of a problem in Morphic where we have a focus-follows-mouse
> policy. But in Tweak, for example, the keyboard scroll events go to the
> focused pane even when I point the mouse somewhere else.
> AFAIK no host platform originally delivers scroll events as keyboard
> events, so it appears as the Right Thing to do, rather then hacking
> around it on the image side. However, I'm not sure about the best way
> to actually hand this to the image ... Any opinions?

Why not just present it as a button press?

Ned Konz

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