[Webteam] Suggestion for Squeak Website

Brad Fuller brad at bradfuller.com
Tue Jan 30 22:19:00 UTC 2007

Alex Perez wrote:
> On Jan 30, 2007, at 1:27 PM, Brad Fuller wrote:
>> Ruben Bakker wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> As the author of eCompletion I really appreciate the link and
>>> Screenshot of eCompletion on the http://www.squeak.org/Screenshots/
>>> page.
>>> As I have moved from
>>> http://homepage.mac.com/monique_bakker/squeak/eCompletion.html a while
>>> ago, it would be very helpful if you could change the link to
>>> http://uncomplex.net/ecompletion/.
>> I changed it to:
>> http://uncomplex.net/ecompletion/index.html
> Might I suggest that you not link in this manner? When you link to a
> directory, you let the HTTP server handle which file types can be served
> up automatically. This can include any file type which is specified, but
> typically by default also includes shtml (server-parsed HTML), php, asp,
> jsp, etc). When you link directly to an HTML file, your links are more
> likely to break in the future, if, for instance, the site were to switch
> to a dynamic content management system such as seaside or some type of
> wiki, for instance. Basically, linking in this way invites more e-mails
> from people saying "can you please fix this link" in the future, and it
> removes the ability for site maintainers to switch to modern content
> management systems without things breaking.

Sure you can suggest that. And I understand that.
The reason that I did it this way as because I got a page not found with
Ruben's link.
I just tried it again and it seems to work. I just didn't have time
before to bother with tracking the problem down.

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