[Seaside-dev] merging Platform and Core

Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 06:17:36 UTC 2009

2009/2/4 Julian Fitzell <jfitzell at gmail.com>:
> We have just reached a point where we could, if we want, merge the Platform
> and Core packages.
> We originally had to do the split because Seaside-Core required the two
> globals WADynamicVariable and SeasidePlatformSupport to exist and these were
> defined by platform-specific packages. Neither of these are an issue any
> longer. If we merge them, we would have to commit to not introducing similar
> problems in the future. In other words, if we add new things to Core with
> platform-specific implementations, we need to make sure they have a generic
> implementation as well. I think this is a good policy anyway.
> Lukas and I discussed this briefly this afternoon and wondered whether there
> is any value to keeping some of the non-Seaside-specific platform stuff in a
> separate package that could be used as a compatibility layer for Pier and
> Magritte (they apparently now duplicate much of WAObject and WAPlatform). We
> would probably move WACodec and maybe a few other things up to Core and
> leave the rest in Platform. I'm a bit torn on this because it would suck if
> all kinds of projects ended up using WAPlatform and that ended up making it
> hard for us to change it the way *we* want.
> Other than that case, there seems little reason to keep them separate. I
> can't think of any other reason that somebody would want to load Platform
> and not Core.
> Am I forgetting/missing anything?

There were also initialization order issues but back then -Core was
way bigger IIRC.

> Shall we merge them or not?

Pier and Magritte would be good reason not to do it. And honestly if I
have to write protable code I use WAPlatform ;-)


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