[Seaside-dev] [Seaside] Build Process

Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 14:19:10 UTC 2011

2011/3/5 Avi Shefi <avishefi at gmail.com>:
> Functional tests cannot be automated because they are output-driven. One
> could test them using Selenium or WebTester, however things like HTML5
> functional tests are not possible because they rely on browsers
> implementations.

Which is the same when running the test manually. That doesn't mean we
should automate the other 95% that matter.

> Regarding local files - it's not what bothers me. I can live with local
> files, even though I believe that dangling files are a recipe for
> information loss. Here are two key points which derive from this:
>  - Why not create a configuration for the Hudson build server to fetch
> specific Monticello packages, by versions? This would eliminate the need to
> not commit to Monticello while building a version.

Again, I don't see this as an issue.

>  - How can we automate the process of testing Seaside via the different
> platforms? If we have a uniform build process, maybe this can encourage
> other dialects to maintain their ports to Seaside?

How and when other platforms make releases doesn't affect us.

>  - Is the OneClick distribution automated, or is it built manually?

Automated, why?

> We can make the build process less involved.

Having it done several times I really feel that manually running the
functional tests is the biggest issue.


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