[Seaside] 2.5a3 (was Re: Cookies (again?))

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Wed May 19 23:20:15 CEST 2004

On May 19, 2004, at 1:25 PM, Michel Bany wrote:

> 1. Here is the first one where a block argument is missing
> WAComponent>>processRequest: aRequest do: aBlock
>    aBlock on: WAAnswerNotification do: []
> I tried the following correction successfully
> WAComponent>>processRequest: aRequest do: aBlock
>    aBlock on: WAAnswerNotification do: [:n | self answer: n value]

To preserve the semantics, it would be
	aBlock on: WAAnswerNotification do: [:n]

The way you fixed it would have somewhat odd behavior: if a 
subcomponent sends "self answer" but doesn't have an answer handler, 
then its immediate parent would answer instead.  The way I had it, it 
would be a no-op (which is what happened in 2.3).  Alternatively, it 
could raise an error.  The third option (which was true in 2.5a1) is 
that the exception would propagate up the component tree until it found 
something that *did* have an answer handler, and that would answer.  
But Julian complained about this behavior, and I think I agree with 

> 2. The next is a missing method needed by WAComponent>>activeComponent 
> for the
> WANavigationBar widget
> WAPresenter>>delegate
>    ^ nil
> This method is also needed by WAComponent>>activeController, but this 
> method seems
> obsolete to me.

Better would be to use the implementation (with #visiblePresentersDo:) 
I suggested in an earlier email.

> 3. The 'config' application does not require authentication any longer
> because the following method
> is never executed and looks obsolete to me
> WAAuthMain>>root
>    | root |
>    root := super root.
>    root addDecoration: (WABasicAuthentication new authenticator: self).
>    ^ root
> I tried the following new method successfully
> WAAuthMain>>createRoot
>    | root |
>    root := super createRoot.
>    root addDecoration: (WABasicAuthentication new authenticator: self).
>    ^ root

Yes, thank you.

> 4. Finally, this one where an obsolete class is being referenced
> WABasicAuthentication>>respondWithChallenge
>   self session returnResponse: (WABasicAuthResponse realm: self realm)
> I tried the following correction successfully
> WABasicAuthentication>>respondWithChallenge
>    self session returnResponse: (WAResponse basicAuthWithRealm: self 
> realm)


I've committed these fixes as Seaside2.5a3-avi.1.mcz.  I will update 
SqueakMap shortly.


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