[Seaside] wiki?

Petite Abeille petite.abeille at gmail.com
Thu Jan 22 19:35:36 UTC 2009

On Jan 22, 2009, at 6:25 PM, John M McIntosh wrote:

> Someone asked me for a squeak based wiki the other day and I'm  
> wondering if there is a pre-built
> one around, or recommendations about which one I should load into a  
> pharo, or seaside image

Nanoki, a simple, elegant wiki engine, would cover all your  
requirement... but one.


> I need something:
> (a) lightweight (low memory usage)

Small footprint, 508 KB download, fits in around ~500 KB of memory:


> (b) easy for people to use that likely won't require opening a  
> manual or glancing much at help page.

Very minimalist:


> (c) storage will be backed to a file system directory, minimal admin  
> skills involved here.

File system based. Zero configuration.

Even sports optional fancy feature such as full text search:


Nanoki has one major drawback though... it's neither using Seaside,  
nor even Smalltalk :))

Oh, well...



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