Can Squeak create sound files??

Andreas Dieberger adieber at
Thu Apr 15 18:24:39 UTC 1999


I never really experimented with Squeak's sound capabilities but now I'm
working on a sonification feature for my modified Swiki. The problem I run
into is that I create an applet tag on a Swiki page and loads an applet.
The applet them plays a number of static sound files. Java 1.1 can handle
only low quality .au files so I thought... with Squeak's sound capabilities
I might be able to create just the right sonification as a sound file on
the fly and serve it through the Swiki.

That much for the idea. When I casually glanced through the sound / midi
related classes I didn't see anything that looked like I could generate
sound files. Is that supported somehow or would I have to write that from
scratch *shiver*

Thanks for any ideas on that. OR: if anybody of you people who works a lot
with sound wants to work with me on that idea, please let me know!!!

Andreas Dieberger

PS: You can see a first shot at this idea on my swiki. The applet uses a
standard component that takes ages to load the sounds so you'll have to
wait probably half a minute till you hear anything after you click the
sonification button. (btw: it does not work on Netscape on macintosh)

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