Repeat: DSA, how to use it?

Mayuresh Kathe mayuresh at
Tue Mar 26 17:26:45 UTC 2002

Cool, thats way cool :)

BTW, PGP is also used for disk and file encryption.
There is something called PGPDisk!! :)

Anyways, thanks for taking the efforts for PGP implementation (lazy bum like
me would never get around to doing it :)

Anyways, could someone please tell me what is the DSA implementation in
Squeak supposed to be for?


> I've started to implement OpenPGP in Squeak, but I don't yet fully understand
> how PGP's encryption mechanisms work. I have working DES, 3DES and CAST5
> implementations, though, and OpenPGP keyring and packet parsing classes.
> I'll try to bring the stuff into a shape that somebody else can load it and
> use it for what it does now later this week.
> Cheers,
> Hans-Martin

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