Apple hyping java...

Mayuresh Kathe mayuresh at
Fri Mar 29 21:06:05 UTC 2002

I too respect Apple and its product ideas.

But, over the years, I have observed one thing, they always manage to make
some small blunder which costs them a lot in the long run.


> From: "Stephan B. Wessels" <swessels at>
> I really like the products that Apple produces.  So I tend not to be openly
> critical of them.
> But the statement that really offended me was ³... Java is the leader in
> this space right now ­ in fact, it¹s probably the only player in the space
> for providing a cross-platform technology....²
> For goodness sakes.  Didn't the Squeak Central work for Apple when Squeak
> was created?
> There's just days when the Java hype just rubs me wrong.  Don't even get me
> started about Jme2EE.
> - Steve
> On 3/29/02 3:26 PM, "Gary Fisher" <gafisher at> wrote:
>> Glue is fine for binding some things, though cheese also has its adherents.
>> Personally, I'd prefer to be UNbound, but maybe I just tend to think
>> different.
>> Gary

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