[Q] Strikefont - characterToGlyphMap (MacRoman vs.Windowsencoding)

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Fri Apr 25 00:06:40 UTC 2003

> The Win32NativeFonts are also very nice, but they're 
> platform-specific,

Entirely incorrect. The package is completely platform independent - all it
requires is a bit of platform support for rendering the glyphs and
retrieving status information about your "local fonts". I actually posted a
rather lengthy description for all of the primitives involved a while ago
and all they do is answer the fonts installed, give a bit of status
information and return bitmaps for the glyphs. From then on, the fonts are
just plain StrikeFonts.

The only reason I posted this as "Win32" is that the required platform
support is only available on Windows. It looks as if Mac/Unix people just
don't have as many beloved fonts they'd like to use ;-)

  - Andreas

PS. If you still think that the package is "platform specific" then take any
other subsystems requiring platform support (3D, sound, tablet, etc) - they
have exactly the same requirements.

PPS. If I would have the slightest idea about font handling on Macs I would
have given this a try already. I'm using Macs often enough for not wanting
the stock fonts.

PPPS. X should be pretty trivial by the way - I'm sure I could hack up
something in a couple of days if I were only using *nix systems ;-)

PPPPS. Not sure about Acorn! (SCNR ;-)

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