Increasing image size, how to reduce?

chenais patrick.chenais at
Wed Jun 22 13:55:59 UTC 2005

Hi every body!

The size of my image is always increasing. Squeak 3.7, 216 Mb.
An analysis (SpaceTally new printSpaceAnalysis) shows that 75% is used for
Bitmap. I don't know where the bitmaps are, and where are they coming from.
How can get rid of them?

To reduce the image size, I already tried the following:
	Space analyse -> SpaceTally new printSpaceAnalysis.
	Empty the trash -> Utilities emptyScrapsBook.
	Clear command history -> CommandHistory resetAllHistory.
	Manual Garbage Collect call -> Smalltalk garbageCollect. 

Thank you in advance for your help.
Patrick Chénais

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