[squeak-dev] Re: Hi Chris, stop messing with the windows please

Ronald Spengler ron.spengler at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 03:53:12 UTC 2010

Exposé is pretty smart. It isn't looking for the things that are
interesting to Squeakers, but it works wonderfully for the mac.

Basically there are hotkeys to fan out:

- all open windows
- all of the current applications windows
- get all the windows out of the way so you can see the desktop

It doesn't sound all that phenominal, except when the windows scale
back, they're still live, and you can see what's going on in them, and
most portantly, drag and drop works fabulously with it. It makes
things you'd have to do some serious window management manuevering on
other systems quite easy and convenient.

On Monday, February 15, 2010, Chris Muller <asqueaker at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do we have something like "Exposé for the mac" for Squeak yet, where I can
>> push a button and everything slides into sensible non-overlapping reduced
>> versions and I can select one of them to bring it to the top?  That'd rock.
> I haven't seen Exposé, but it sounds like it has the same problem
> though.  First that the user is forced to visually scan through a
> bunch of windows to answer the following questions.
>   1)  "Do I already have a window (minimized or not) that meets my needs?"
>   2)  "Is the state of the window such that it can be browsed freely
> or is it one in which I've got some unaccepted edits?
> Besides being instrusive and distracting, to me, it is just wrong,
> fundamentally, for a human to be burdened with such questions that the
> machine is able to so easily answer.
> Secondly, that if the window _isn't_ there, then you've wasted time
> looking and now you have to backtrack (at least mentally) and go find
> how to open it.  Shouldn't the just do all of this for me?
> But hey, I'll bet Apple gave it a really neato graphical effect on
> that Mac!   ;-)
> What I want, and what the Reuse Windows preference provides, is a
> continuous train-of-thought uninterrupted by fiddling with windows and
> widgets..
>  - Chris


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