
Bijan Parsia squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Tue, 8 Jan 2002 18:20:27 -0500 (EST)

Ok ok, I've finally signed up for the squeak foundation list :) I even
read some of the recent backlog. I see M. Ducasse sounding the trumpets,
so I presume my little noises won't be *too* out of place!

My Biggest Question is what practical Squeak Foundation tasks are there at
the moment that someone like myself without enormous amounts of spare
energy can help with or take on?

(I'd rather it be something Squeakily hands on rather than, oh, writing a
charter, but I understand that all it takes for organization to go down
the tubes is people of good will to stand by when the junk work

Is the harvesting process a Squeak Foundation Thing?

I'm hoping that there's some tangible Squeak Development project for the
foundation in the works to get our feet wet with. But I'm really not clear
what the agenda is. Starting small I hope :)

Bijan Parsia.