[Squeakfoundation]New mailing list request for Bellesqueak

Maarten Maartensz squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 22:35:20 +0100


At 20:39 27-1-02 +0100, you wrote:
>Given the fact that you're asking the SqF for resources, whazzisgottado with
>Squeak, except from being inspired by it and stuff? I'm all in favor of
>handing out mailing lists etcetera to anyone who does things that are
>interesting (you might, for example, ask Cees de Groot instead of SqF), but
>I'm not sure that your project is aligned with the stated goal of the SqF,
>therefore whether it is justifiable to burden future SqF administrators with
>this project.
>What does the rest of the list think?

[snip: rest below]

Since I am asked (as a small particle of "the rest of the list") here is my
brief and hasty reply:

(1) I've still not seen Dan Ingalls' clarification (promised by last
Tuesday), so Squeak Foundation seems on the moment mostly academic, and so
(2) the future burden of future administrators is even more academic.
(3) However, it seems wise to try to compose some sort of association of
benevolent and idealistic people and organizations,
(4) and in general "the more the better", the license permitting, since also
(5) by and large it is easier to prune than to grow.

Perhaps (having read Paul Fernhout's two previous mails) there is some
clever and fair lawyer around who could let his or her legal light shine on
the question, since it seems mostly an implicit legal issue under US law?



>Paul Fernhout <pdfernhout@kurtz-fernhout.com> said:
>>I would like to request a new mailing list and Wiki for a
>>Squeak-inspired project called "Bellesqueak".  This is a ground up
>>project inspired by Squeak, intended to learn from Squeak's strengths
>>and weaknesses including licensing issues. It is not an effort to modify
>>Squeak itself (although Squeak may be used as scaffolding and a tool to
>>develop Bellesqueak). 
>Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
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