
Daniel Vainsencher danielv at netvision.net.il
Tue May 6 05:57:23 CEST 2003

I wrote a couple of days ago that I don't think we should have more
harvesters right now. Maybe that's wrong?

How about the following announcement:
"In order to get the harvesting process more lively, we'd like to have
about 5 more harvesters. Responders should be quite experienced with
Squeak, should be familiar with and willing to apply the rules as
published on the Swiki, and have an intention to harvest 5 change sets a
month (no sworn oaths needed - but we are trying to make it lively...).
Candidates should reply with evaluations of their first 5 intended
changesets, just to get started, and to make sure we're in sync, since
some aspects of the process are new."


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