[SqNOS] Failed to load to SqueakNOS...

Gerardo Richarte gera at corest.com
Fri Mar 19 17:04:09 UTC 2010

Юрий Мироненко wrote:

> > I used UNetbootin (http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/) to make a bootable SD-card for my eeepc-900 from those ISO.
> >   
I don't know how UNetbootin works, I read their documentation, but still...
They say they use syslinux, but your said you saw a GRUB menu (blue screen?
you sure it's GRUB?) So I guess they are chainloading the GRUB from the
ISO image,
now, what's weird, is that none of the files you listed came out of the

You are missing all GRUB files, and more specially, SqueakNOS.kernel (or
SqueakNOS.kernel.gz) and  SqueakNOS.image or SqueakNOS.image.gz
Has anything been extracted from the .iso into de SD card?


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