[V3dot10] Request wiki.squeak.org be used instead of pbwiki

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Jan 15 08:40:38 UTC 2007

Keith Hodges puso en su mail :

> we have one process proposal on the table so far (i.e. mine)
??? I do not notice other what you made Installer and I say Ralph to have
into 3.10.
The rest, could be or not what we do.

>  I am fully expecting that with this
> process in place 3 different people could come up with 3 entirely
> different 3.10s, if they wanted to. From that point on its up to
> politics and negotiation as to which direction actually gets adopted.
Hope this not happen.
Squeak is enough fragmented.



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Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
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¡Probalo ya! 

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