[V3dot10] The Welcome window

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Jan 25 13:50:31 UTC 2007

El 1/25/07 10:30 AM, "Ralph Johnson" <johnson at cs.uiuc.edu> escribió:

> What is the target audience of a 3.10 Welcome Window?  Who is going to use it?
> The people who ought to use it are people who already know Squeak.  If
> someone is new to Squeak then they probably should use a different
> image.  I think the welcome window should say something like:
> ===
> Welcome to Squeak 3.10!  This is the leading edge development image.
> If you are new to Squeak, it might be better for you to use Squeak
> 3.9, which you can find at http://squeak.org
> For details on the status and the plans of Squeak 3.10, please see http://???
> Our intent is for 3.10 to be reliable enough for day to day work.  We
> need people to use it and to tell us if they find anything wrong.
> Please contribute your experiences with Squeak 3.10 though Mantis and
> the v3dot10 mailing lists, which are described at http://???
> ===
> I need to make that web page!
> -Ralph

If we say in clear and friendly way what all is experimental but we wish
feedback to suit better his needs ?

They could answer , yes , and have troubles, yes.

But in the end IMHO all wins.

I found in the beginners list masters often forget what we need more
Squeakers and what a smile is better what hard opinion saying "you not ...'

And again I ask , could I put some approved image in servers ?

It's  time to move, if the direction is wrong, we correct .



Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 

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