[V3dot10] status

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Mar 9 13:59:07 UTC 2007

> If I understand correct, this go to Mantis and load some methods for Object
> But this change Kernel and SUnit... I am correct ?
Actually it is the other way around, the mantis page lists the 
prerequisite fixes.

Oh yes there are some fixes to the base, that's why I was hoping that 
you would adopt it into the mainstream, and the fact that our testing 
options become improved.

> If ok with Ralph. could be a good way of test "the requested tool" script
> and incorporate also on ReleaseBuilder as method.
> You have your server ready ?
Its ready, just needs the scripts to load all packages etc.

But I am pushing forward slowly with the squeak version so that everyone 
can play at building.

> One automatic way to test what 3.10 could load all packages into his
> Universes (or to found any problems) ?Mac friendly , is possible. I have good machine and lousy connection...
The idea is that my server does the building and testing for you, you 
can just look at the results with your web browser.


> Edgar

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