[V3dot10] Re: Tentative of start 3.11

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Jan 31 11:59:03 UTC 2008

El 1/30/08 5:06 PM, "Keith Hodges" <keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk> escribió:

> LevelPlayingField also allows the results of some initiatives to be
> published for images other than 3.11. For example, Edgar suggested
> working on Minimal Morphic for 3.8.2 or 3.10, with LPF he could do both!
> DeltaStreams would be another example since Matthew wants DS to run in
> everything.

If people buy the idea of start from 3.8.2 , all could be easier.
3.8.2 don't have Monticello or Traits built into !

I resume my idea , tested in private experiments.

1) Shrink from top, in same way as 3.10, cutting all we know could go to
some repository and loaded again as if never was cut

2) Add some I have now in FunSqueak, that is the Javier unistall, and some
convenience code.

3) Run some Pavel code for we be sure have the latest 3.10 code .

4) Port all relevant code from all forks (OLPC, Sophie, Croquet, Squeakland,

5) Decide of the .sources.
I like the Maurice Raab scheme , but can't complete the process in Mac, XP
or Linux.
I send mails to both Ralph and Maurice, seems other people have success.
Or I doing some stupid thing (wish know)

6) Agree with Steph and Sophie people which toys they advice hot to have in

7) As a baby take 9 months, I said taking less is unwise, so if we start on
1/3/08, release must end before the year ends


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