Defining the damn 3.9 process! (was Re: SqueakFoundation money)

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Thu Dec 8 17:34:10 UTC 2005


> I have subscribed to the 3.9a team mailing list. I have spend a lot of
> time in the toolbuilder stuff.

May I ask you to tell in percentage what is the ratio compared with  
my time
spent. Seriously you helped and it was great but this is really  
nothing compared to the time
we spent in general. Believe me. That week I spent so much time on that.

> Still, I do not know what you or Markus
> are up to. My requests about "what can I do" are left unanswered.

Looking at fixes, categorizing them. See below the list. Any help is  
We always did that. Looking also how to achieve the roadmap we sent  
around some months ago.

> And you are talking about "I", "we" (I assume Markus and you) and
> "me". Like there are somehow two parties involved here (I sense the
> same thing around the SqF, incidentally).

Certainly because basically I feel that really few persons are doing and
when I look at how the harvesting works it is a kind of reality.

> Helloooo, Stef. Ever heard of TEAMWORK? It´s a great and time-honoured
> tradition that enables people to trade a little overhead for a whole
> lot of power. Funny thing is, it works...
> Team+Process = Success
> Lonely Hackers+Awful amounts of time = Probable success

Sure which team?

> Any way, you are the 3.9a team lead. You have me repeated offer for
> help. Take it or leave it.

Ok so what do you want to do?

We have a list of pending items to evaluate on
	- there are all the pending bugs and fixes on mantis
	- we have a new compiler + method annotation to tests
	- if you want to come up with a process to build the image
	give a try and we will try it.
	- we need a way to speed up the use of MC.

Do you want more?
	- right now we are facing problems with MC copy (which somehow change
	the files including traits, so copying them from one repository to  
	with different images apparently breaks them when they contain traits).
	I'm not sure that this is linked with MC (I should sycn with adrian).
	Adrian is looking at that. I hope to have something for the end of  
the week.

	So the plan is to let him work and produce a new set of files so  
that after
	we can continue harvesting normally.


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