Defining the damn 3.9 process! (was Re: SqueakFoundation money)

Cees De Groot cdegroot at
Thu Dec 8 17:47:40 UTC 2005

On 12/8/05, stéphane ducasse <ducasse at> wrote:
> Certainly because basically I feel that really few persons are doing and
> when I look at how the harvesting works it is a kind of reality.
Well, Stef - here's the secret: you need to drag people in. Tell them
what they can do. And not in a timeframe of months, but weeks or days.
Make sure that someone can meaningfully contribute by doing 15 minutes
of work.

Just burying yourself in work isn't going to make other people
contribute. And I know - whipping the community into action is a lot
of work. People are even concerned about the amount of time for
example Goran puts into this. But we are succeeding - the website is
running, box2 is being maintained, stewarding teams are being set up.
It's a big investment in time, and not directly productive, but a
necessary investment if we don't want to burn out people on every damn
release (like is happening now again - history is repeating itself).

If you think you do to much work and no-one chimes in, get vocal about
it. First on your team list, then on squeak-dev. Explain to the
community that it's a hell of a big task, that you are concentrating
on X (where X, I think, is Traits at the moment?), and that if no-one
is going to help out harvesting patches from Mantis, 3.9a will stall.
At best, you get help, at the very least, people know what you're up
to so we don't get flames when someone informs about the apparent lack
of progress....

> Sure which team?
Your team. You lead it. So you build it. Afterwards you get the
credits. That's the deal ;)

> Ok so what do you want to do?
Well, I'm certainly going to chat (probably with Goran) on #squeak
tonight about a daily build process because I'm almost religiously
convinced that it is a necessity. But for the time being I'll contend
myself with perusing minnow and Mantis :-)

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