[V3dot9] Re: SMLoader 1.07 fix for bad transparent gradient colour in SM package loader

Stéphane Ducasse stephane.ducasse at univ-savoie.fr
Mon Oct 16 15:43:12 UTC 2006

Ok I will close it then and proceed the next batch as soon as I have  
a bit of time
at max friday since I'm travelling before.

>> Tim
>> I read the mantis report (I cannot add notes there anymore and I  
>> do not know why).
>> I want to have a script that I can put in a cs or even better a mc  
>> file so I will ask goran.
> I set the report to resolved and I guess that makes it 'locked'  
> against more edits. You could reopen it if you feel it necessary,  
> but do return it to 'resolved' afterward unless you see a need to  
> get still more input. If you just wanted to add a small note along  
> the lines of 'we loaded the foobar package into 3.9RC-7100 on  
> friday 42nd Dismember' then you can do that wen you close the  
> report. I only discovered that recently.
> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
> Strange OpCodes: ESBD: Erase System and Burn Documentation

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