Progress towards Exupery 0.12

Sebastian Sastre ssastre at
Wed May 2 21:21:15 UTC 2007

> Are you interested in running it in production soon? I've not 
> yet decided how quickly to push for stability vs. other 
> things. Closer to the release it'll be easier to decide but 
> interest does matter too.
> Bryce
> _______________________________________________


I would only put to produce if it proves to has at least the same stability
of a normal squeak image. But I can also get enough courage to experiment it
in a linux test-production to see how it goes.
As with many other innovative things one has to "dance at the music's rithm"
between real innovation and real value (to make them sustainable). Think
about when will be appropiate to take Exupery out of the simulator and give
him some real hours of flight ;)

When you have news about stabilizing a version I'll be the first interested.

Thank you,

PD: is not pressure it's interest. Well.. maybe there is a little push also

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