TexFileOut problems

Andres Valloud sqrmax at cvtci.com.ar
Fri Jun 8 04:31:41 UTC 2001


> Since then Thomas Kuehne and Andres Valloud himself have put me on the
> right track. It really is a fine little tool, and getting it to produce
> TeX which resolves into a printeable and beautifully formatted dvi file
> requires very little. But, if it could be made to produce LaTeX output
> which was "well behaved" enough for reLyX to accept, (or even to produce
> LyXable output) we'd have a fully functioning documentation system which
> would -- I think -- be unbeatable.

I have never used LaTeX. You may want to take a look at the macros used
in the class TeXFileOut. You definitely know more LaTeX than I do. Try
subclassing TeXFileOut into say LaTeXFileOut. Then, you could take a
look at the methods that define the macros used, like vboxes, hboxes,
fonts and the like. By reimplementing them I think it should be pretty
straightforward to get a well behaved LaTeX file out. It should be
pretty easy, I wrote TeX macros once and only once in their own

Let me know if I can be of any help.


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