[BUG] (IMHO) Change Sorter, ctrl/cmd-x can delete the class *from the system*!!

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Wed Oct 17 03:46:41 UTC 2001


If you had used the *menu* instead of the command-key short-cut, you 
would have seen the clear distinction in menu-item wordings made 

     delete class from this change set (d)
     remove class from system (x)

I reasoned that anyone using cmd-x in a selector-list pane or 
class-list pane would be doing it mindful that these gestures 
*always* serve to remove a class or remove a method from the system, 
whatever tool they are deployed in, so would be expecting the same 
short-cuts, if they're defined at all, to work the same way in the 
change-sorter that they do in a browser.

Generally we *try* to make as many of the browser and message-list 
commands as possible also available in the Change Sorter, since some 
people use the Change Sorter as a primary code-development tool.

I admit to having hesitated somewhat before putting the 
remove-class-from-system and remove-method-from-system commands (with 
their cmd-x shortcuts) into the Change Sorter menus.  But in fact 
experience has shown both to be quite useful.  They're great for 
getting rid of cruft left over from early scratchings and false 
starts during development, since a Change Sorter is often the perfect 
place to find such things.

Further, my apprehension about putting them in was assuaged by giving 
the menu items in question very explicit wordings that clarify what 
each one does, and also by the knowledge that the "remove from 
system" commands always demand user confirmation before the 
destructive work is carried out.

So if one concedes that these menu commands earn their keep in the 
Change Sorter, the next question is: does it make sense to *deny* the 
uniform use of the standard command-key shortcuts for them when 
issued in a Change Sorter, shortcuts that work the same way in every 
other code-bearing tool?

It would be good to hear some other opinions on this!


   -- Scott

At 10:42 PM -0400 10/16/01, Bijan Parsia wrote:
>Ok, first a bit of praise: Two levels of warning saved my tuckus.
>Scenario: I'm in a change sorter. I have a class I want to delete *from
>the change set*. I select it and hit ctrl-x. "Are you certain that you
>want to delete the class SystemWindow?" Sure, *from the change set*.
>"class has subclasses: Are you certain that you want to delete the class
>SystemWindow?" Well, not anymore, since there aren't any subclasses of
>SystemWindow *in my changeset*. Yeeek! If it hadn't had subclasses,
>perhaps i'd have deleted it from my system!
>Might I suggest that there is really *no need* to be able to delete a
>class from the *system* from a changeset sorter? If it has to be there,
>may I further suggest that we don't need it to have a key cmd shortcut? :)
>By the skin of my teeth...
>Bijan Parsia.

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